Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

Guppy The Result of Genetic Engineering

This freshwater ornamental fish species are from the United States, Central America, and South America. The beautiful guppy fish ( in latin: poecilia) has a nickname as a thousand fish and its existence can now be found almost in the waters around the world.

Guppy fish originally introduced to controlling mosquitoes, but because the color is beautiful and has many variations so that when they swim like the cowboys in paradise, now Guppy fish better known as one of the popular ornamental fish in the world.

Small size, rapid growth, and varying colors make this cowboy fish is often used as a material practice in genetics. Coupled with the development of breeding technique conducted by both practitioners or by the hobbies has implemented many colors and varieties of Guppy with a variety of fin. It is said that dorsal fin on the sparkling neon Guppy fish is the result of genetic engineering with the jellyfish DNA injected.

Ornamental Fish Photos

These following photos are the koi fish pictures that has a Latin name Cyprinus Carpio and it’s a freshwater ornamental fish species which have long been used as pet fish. Therefore, it would not be surprised if the koi fish is very popular among almost all over the world hobbies. The selling price of koi fish is also very varied, ranging from cheap to very expensive.

Many people believe Koi fish is a freshwater ornamental fish origin from China and growing rapidly in Japan since 200 years is then up to now. This ornamental fish belongs to long-lived fish. It is said that the most long koi fish age found in Japan, reaching the age of 226 years. Knowing the age of koi fish is to count in the ring in the scales. For the breeder in Japan, the cultivation of koi fish is considered more art than business. So, the trend of breeding koi fish is always evolving all the time.


Fish collection louhan

fish species lohan

fish picture

                                                                        parrot fish
                                                                    Four-winged flying

                                                                    Fish wallpapers
                                                             Fish With Hands and Legs
                                                                         Lion Fish
                                                                 World Largest Fish

Louhan The Fish So-invented

Ni sob Hey I have a rather unique article of this news I get from electronic media immediately wrote kebritannya Yow called the fish louhan or flower horn of some classes of fish are believed to bring hockey to the owner, but do you know louhan fish including fish imitation? Fish louhan including fish imitation due to not exist in nature but rather the result of genetic mutation, or mutation of this fish in the first time in Malaysia who crossed siklip fish species in South America crossed with type siklip Africa.

Exotic Tropical Fish

Originally from the rivers of Sumatra, Tiger Barb fish or Barbus Tetrazona have a very agile movements and nimble. This tropical fish species is very nice when displayed in large quantities.
You'll find a unique nature of this ornamental fish when you feeding tiger barb. That is his habit who grabbed the feed so fast and sometimes even food have not had time to absorb water.

Giving the aquarium plant will increase the attractiveness of Tiger Barb and based on color, Barbus Sumatra grouped into 3 types, namely:

1) Barbus Sumatra, brownish yellow with black lines.
2) Green Tiger Barb with a light green color to a dark green.
3) Barbus Albino with white color.

Among these 3 species, Green Tiger Barb is the most expensive price.

Tropical Betta Splendens fish

Betta fish is a tropical ornamental fish species which so many fans, ranging from children to adults.Its small size is an excess of Betta fish so it is easy maintenance because it does not require a large container. Even bottles can also be used to breed these ornamental fish.

Betta fish distinguished into two types based on their fins, the short finned betta fighter fish and Betta splendens fish with a long fin. However, both the type of betta fish for ornamental or a fighter, the male species of this tropical ornamental fish has a higher price than the female. This is because at the betta fighting contest, the male is often used as a fighter. Neither the Betta splendens, the kind that males have a more attractive appearance than females, because the color is brighter with a longer fin sizes and various forms of the lure.

Popular Tropical Ornamental Fish

Black Ghost (Apteronotus Albifrons) is a quite popular tropical ornamental fish in the world. The black color of it body with little white on the tail and head, make this fish called as black ghost.

Despite its name spooky, this freshwater ornamental fish is not daunting. Precisely leaf shape of its which resembles a flattened sideways and long make it look very attractive.

Black ghost fish lovers generally wanted the fish with shiny black skin and smooth texture like a bat with the fin color should actually meeting with no rips.

Beautiful tropical ornamental fish are known pleased attached to the substrate and likes to hide in a hole. Apparently the ghost of aquarium is also quite shy.

Breeding Tropical Fish Botia Macracantha

Another tropical ornamental fish to be excellent this time is Botia also known as the Clown Loach or tiger fish with latin names Botia Macracantha. This exotic freshwater ornamental fish comes from the waters of Sumatra and Kalimantan.

During this more Botia taken directly from nature because of the ornamental fish breeding Botia can not optimally to do. The spawning stage of botia fish to breeding outside the original habitat has so far only up to 5-9 days old larvae.

But the latest news, a study conducted in Indonesia have been able through a series of more research about this tropical ornamental fish are reportedly able to make the parent fish of botia can be cultivated and harvest its every month.

Discus Fish - The King of Aquarium

Discus fish is also known as the king of aquarium and its quite popular among ornamental fish hobbies. Many hobbies are looking for discus so it make the fish price high, specially for the famous species. As a large number of people become a discus fish fans so its make discus contests are often held and attended by many participants.

There are four species of nature discus, ie heckle discus, brown discus, green discus, and blue discus. As well as betta fish, the creativity of hobbies and also discus breeders in the cultivation is the discus fish secret how it spawned many new varieties of hybrid results premises color and complexion better than the original. In fact, you could say almost every year will come new types of discus fish with attractive colors and designs.

The quality standards of discus fish are determined from the physical as smooth, no defects, with scales intact, flat rounded shape to the side and slightly thicker, as well as an expanded tail fin perfect and no buds. Mostly, discus fish with the wide mouth and bright color, preferably like and it has a higher sale value too.

Arowana - The Fish of God

Color and shape of this tropical fish pictures which is the strong attraction and make arowana become a one of a famous freshwater ornamental fishes. Even for some people, this fish is regarded as the bearer of hockey to become another attraction for the fans.

Based on its origin, this tropical fish is divided into 2 groups, namely Arwana originating from Brazil and from Indonesia. Brazilian Arowana flat sideways elongated and tapered toward the tail. Dorsal and pelvic fins also extends to the tail so the tail fin to appear narrow. The composition between scales less or not so obvious. However, the majority of these breed of Arowana was silvery white or black.

There are two types of Arowana native of Indonesia. First, Sclerophagus Formous which originated from Kalimantan (Borneo) and Sumatra and the second species, which originating from Irian (New Guinea).

Both breeds of these freshwater fish arowana's has the same body, which is rather thick and extends, but does not taper toward the tail. Shape of his head straight with a wide mouth facing upwards. Big eyes and mutter in his lower lip. Dorsal and pelvic fins toward the tail is relatively small. Pectoral fin nearly triangular shape with a size not too big and a rounded tail fin. The size of the large scales with formation of a visible making this tropical fish looks very interesting.

In world markets, compared to The Silver Sclerophagus Jardini from Irian - Sclerophagus formous from Kalimantan and Sumatra have a more high price and known by the nickname The Star of Indonesian Ornamental Fish.

The color of this tropical fish is really diverse. But the most expensive and popular is the red. According to belief, arowana fish - especially the red - is the fish of god that brings good luck. Not surprisingly, the price of this fish can reach thousands of dollars per tail.

Fresh Water Ornamental Fish - Diseases Pictures

White spot or Ich (ick) as it is also known is one of the more common diseases found in fresh water aquarium fish. Ich is a protozoan disease. The scientific name for the disease is Ichthyophthiriasis. It is wide spread in all fresh water fish, but is more common in aquarium fish, most likely because they live in close contact with other species and because of stress.

Black Spot Disease caused by the larvae of parasitic digenetic flukes, Cercaria and Metacercaria. This disease is caused by a parasite (larval trematode) that burrows into the skin of a fish causing the formation of a cyst approximately one millimeter in diameter. In general, even heavy infestations of these parasites do relatively little damage to the fish. Fish with heavy infestations on the eyes may be blinded.

The term "Black Spot" refers to the formation of small cysts in the muscle and skin around which the parasite lives. The cyst accumulates black pigment cells. These cause little harm to the fish. Young fish have growth problems if heavily infected.
Chilodonella is a single cell microscopic parasite that attacks a fish skin and gills. Later the skin may be broken down and the gills destroyed. The fish will rub against objects and become inactive. The fish may also behave like they have irritations, by glancing off aquarium decor, they may have clamped fins and difficulty breathing. If the gills are affected they will stay near the water surface and gasp for air. Cloudy spots develop on the skin. The skin patches turn white and begin to disintegrate and usually over a couple day period. This opens the door to secondary infections and/or fungus.

Frontosa - Cichlids from Lake Tanganyika

Frontosa characteristic lies in her zebra-print black and white with vertical lines or a combination of dark blue, silver, and yellow. These colors make the cyphotilapia frontosa be varied. Another characteristic is at the head of frontosa that similar with lou han fish, which it has a lump on his face.

Frontosa fish usually have a fat body shape and looks sturdy. however, cyphotilapia frontosa has a graceful carriage because including the slow-moving ornamental fish type, which is happy to swim slowly. For an ornamental fish, frontosa favored because of the kind of peaceful, benign, and not fierce so the owner can freely do appear or feeding frontosa without fear of being hit.

African cichlids Frontosa lives at great depths (bottom dweller) in Lake Tanganyika and often suffers from swim bladders problems for wild caught fishes. They are mostly restricted to the rocky areas in the wild. They are rather intolerant of poor water condition and demand regular, frequent water but small water changes.

Frontosa Fish Profiles :
Distribution : Lake Tanganyika (Endemic)
Size : Up to 14 inches for Male, smaller for female. Growth rate appear to be slow under captivity.
PH : 8.6 to 9.5
Temperature : 22 to 29 0 C (higher temperature for breeding).
Hardness : Hard to very hard, alkaline water.
Diet : Piscivore. Flake, freeze fried & frozen and pellet food. Live food such as prawns and earthworms. Not advisable to give them floating food.
Breeding : Open polygamous, mouth brooder.
Sexual Difference : Males are much larger with longer flowing fins and well developed nuchal hump (not always accurate).

It's best to keep frontosa in groups from small as the males are very intolerant of each other. Growing them up together has the advantage of establishing the "pecking" order early to prevent over-aggressiveness to establish dominance in the tank.